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Do you have an external council or advisory committee whose raison d'etre is to review your program's progress, provide guidance, and make strategic recommendations? Uh, yeah. Me too.
In fact, just about every client I can think of has 1 (if not 14 active groups) hovering nearby who are "here to help!" And by "help" they mean ready to offer context-light suggestions and fancy footwork to avoid doing any actual work because they have other full-time jobs.
We do this advisory council thing to ourselves. It all sounds like a good idea in the beginning. "Hey, we're kicking of our new strategic plan so we should probably create an independent group to help steer the ship."
There is a lot right about the concept. Infusing an external perspective in any important new program is invaluable. If they're able to provide top cover too when things invariably go awry, then they're worth their weight in the coffee and light refreshments you have to provide to get them to show up in person at the meeting. The problems pop up about a month before the prescheduled quarterly meeting.
Usually, someone suddenly remembers that the council meeting is coming up and the program team immediately starts to get anxious. These external advisory councils are typically comprised of senior staff-- a gaggle of folks you clearly want to impress. However, they're also intentionally disconnected from day-to-day program operations. That's what gives them supposed objectivity. Council members are also selected to represent a variety of organizational interests. So in one meeting you and your program team has the delightful opportunity to piss off and disappoint not just one executive but a one from every division!
So, yes. Communicating with these folks can be tricky, distracting, time consuming, and even risky. To overcome these, you need to check yourself and your team against a list of "must do's" YOU need from the them and not just what they're expecting out of you. Counter to our typical approach, the best communications strategy is to consider the council a resource-- not a validate-or.
- Review the year's action plan. Too far out and they'll lose interest. Nobody cares and a few might be thinking they won't be around. Don't waste any time on super, outyear vision-y stuff. Instead, ask them to add and delete actions to ensure alignment with broader organizational goals. You might make a rule that this is a one for one swap. Anything new can be added as long as something else drops off the list. The objective isn't to overload but to hone the edges.
- Highlight hurdles-- which likely include money. Because they're advisory, you're not asking them for money but you're seeking advice on how to secure the resources you need. The tricky thing here is to be open to creative suggestions. Be prepared later to laugh over drinks with friends on the most ridiculous ones.
- Ask for advocacy. Seriously, this is big and should be relatively easy for them to do. The question is-- when do you have an upcoming meeting or speaking opportunity that you can share some of the highlights on what we're doing, our accomplishments, and plans for the future. Be bold in soliciting their support and get them to make a commitment out loud-- if you can.
On top of these, if you keep the presentations relatively short and end early, you're sure to please. Good luck!