Do a puzzle. Let the kids pick out a puzzle and do it together. If they pick one a little more complicated, let it be a weekend project and just work a little bit on it as you have time. Puzzles are projects the family can work on together-- and are so satisifying to complete.
Write one journal entry
Write one journal entry. Spend 10 minutes today and write a free form journal entry. Write anything that comes to your mind. Don’t force it or judge yourself. Just let the words flow. Writing helps us be more focused and clear in our intentions.
Give others your full attention
Give others your full attention. Working moms are notorious for being distracted. You probably have more than a dozen things on your mind right now and only one of them has to do with the person in front of you. You'll improve your relationships with others and find more focus when you give others your full attention.
Eat clean for a day
Eat clean for a day. Eating clean means eating simply prepared whole foods. Some health coaches and nutritionists expand this definition to no sugar, alcohol, dairy, gluten, or grains. While avoiding those categories isn't desirable or practical everyday, you could try eating clean just one day a week. Just see how good you'll feel!
Keep it simple
Keep it simple. Life as a working mom is complicated. It just is. And sometimes we unintentionally make it worse by adding more to the schedule. Then we feel guilty about not doing enough. It's a vicious cycle that keeps us running and never able to feel caught up. Break that cycle just for a day by focusing on keeping things simple. Be present and do the best you can. It's good and that's good enough.
Play a game
Play a game. Get outside and play. If you’re at the park or just in the yard, spend 10 minutes actually playing with the kids.
Go on a mini retreat
Go on a mini retreat. Whether you take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate or find a couple hours to get out in nature, take a mini retreat. A retreat gets you out of your day-to-day routine and allows you to reconnect with yourself.
Accept things as they are
As working moms, we often want to control everything. Of course, we can't and this can add stress to an already stressful and hectic life. Accepting things as they are recognizing what you can and can't control is the first step in finding more peace.
End your meetings early today
For every meeting you manage, stop 10 minutes early today. Ask participants to use the time to start working on one of their action items instead. Everyone will get more done and be better prepared for the next status update.
Don’t multitask today
Don’t multitask today
Working moms are notorious for multitasking. Unfortunately, this might not be a good thing. Increasingly, research on work habits reveals that doing two or more things at once reduces our overall work quality. Multitasking also makes each task take longer. Avoid multitasking today to feel more focused, in control, and effective.
Drink eight glasses of water today
Drink eight glasses of water today
We’re most productive when we’re well hydrated. This is true even when you add in the couple extra trips to the bathroom. You’ll have more energy, have fewer food cravings, and get more done.
Practice saying no at work today
Practice saying no at work today
As a mom, you probably say no quite a bit. The word no sets limits and expectations for our kids. It helps them learn while staying safe and healthy. So, why is it often so difficult to say no at work? Many of us deeply want to be liked at the office which means we say yes a lot. Stay focused and productive by saying no to requests that that should be done by someone else.
Document your routine today
Document your routine today
You waste time in ways you can't see unless you write your activities. Take a few minutes throughout the day today to jot down the typical steps in your routine. At the end of the day, reflect on the entire process and find one or two things you could combine or eliminate to make your day run more efficiently.
Clean off your desk today
Clean off your desk today
Messy workspaces create stress. The visual clutter can make you feel disorganized and cause you to lose focus on your most important tasks. Before you start work this morning, clean off your desk and notice how you get more done.
Wake up 15 minutes earlier tomorrow
Set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier and use the time to work on one of your big annual goals. With just this little block of time, you can get in a quick workout, plan healthy meals for the week, write in your journal, or read a professional journal to keep your skills sharp. Make up the 15 minutes of sleep by going to bed earlier tonight.
Don’t check your email first thing in the morning
Don’t check your email first thing in the morning
Reading email can disrupt your morning routine and cause you to change your priorities. When you respond to email, you’re in reactive mode and address other people’s issues. Email can wait until after you’ve had a chance to make progress on the tasks most important to you.
Limit your list to 3 things
Limit your list to 3 things. Disciplining yourself to limit your list to three items per day results in greater productivity and focus. By making the decision early in the day about what's more important--and sticking with it--you're less likely to get distracted. The three-item approach does wonders for work-life balance, too.